Matthew D. Nichols, ASLI, President of All Risks, Ltd., was elected to serve as President of NAPSLO for the 2012-13 term.
“I’m very excited and honored to become the president of NAPSLO for the next 12 months,” said Mr. Nichols. “I look forward to leading the organization in conjunction with the NAPSLO team. I appreciate their participation and support and would like to see as much volunteering as anyone would like to do in the coming 12 months.”
NAPSLO member firms elected the slate of Officers and Directors at the Association’s Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday during the 2012 Annual Convention in Atlanta.
NAPSLO members elected the following NAPSLO officers for one-year terms:
• President - Matthew D. Nichols, ASLI, All Risks, Ltd., Hunt Valley, Maryland
• Vice President - Kevin T. Westrope, Westrope, Kansas City, Missouri
• Secretary - Hank Haldeman, The Sullivan Group, Los Angeles, California
• Treasurer - Gilbert C. Hine, Jr., CPCU, CFP, McClelland & Hine, Inc., San Antonio, Texas
Elected for three-year terms on the Board of Directors were:
• Gilbert C. Hine, Jr., CPCU, CFP, McClelland & Hine, Inc., San Antonio, Texas
• Davis D. Moore, Worldwide Facilities, Inc., Los Angeles, California
• Matthew D. Nichols, ASLI, All Risks, Ltd., Hunt Valley, Maryland
• Scott A. Culler, Markel West, Woodland Hills, California
• Michael D. Miller, CPCU, CLU, ARe, Scottsdale Insurance Company, Scottsdale, Arizona
Outgoing Past President Letha Heaton and Board member Greg Crouse were also recognized during the General Session for their outstanding service to the NAPSLO Board of Directors.
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